Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-9

Kofi Kingston and R Truth def. Primo and Epico:

What I Liked:

The match was solid. Finally, we get an exciting and fast paced match to keep the viewers interested. Kofi and Truth have solid chemistry, both have great athleticism and Truth carries the strength and grounding attacks. Primo and Epico are the right calls for champions currently. They do not talk much, but they showcase the positives in creating real tag teams. The progression from Kofi's move to the finish was nice as well. Primo and Epico are solid in ring workers, but you can also see their intelligence and timing to keep the match flowing. All Kofi and Truth need is a sort of manager to give them more importance.

What I Disliked:

Kofi and Truth win, but why not add Ziggler and Swagger? I would love to see a 3 team tag team title match in Miami. It would benefit everyone, but I do think that Ziggler and Swagger will have something to do with Long and Laurinaitis. Either way, they need to figure out the rest of the card this coming week.

Grade: B


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