Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-23

KaneWe get a short interview with Cody Rhodes who leaves the arena. He says he will embarass Big Show once again at WrestleMania.

Big Show def. Kane:

What I Liked:

The pairing of these two gets old quickly. Nonetheless, they are two big names that relate to everyone. The match was better than I expected. Big Show as able to hit a few nice moves on Kane, including a flip of Kane over his shoulders. The chokeslam catching Kane worked perfectly because it let the crowd focus in on that while Cody Rhodes came in and interfered. I loved intertwining this and then Orton/Kane when Orton came from under the ring and hit an RKO. Very solid segment to get over 4 guys, not just two.

What I Disliked:

Does Orton always get the upper hand? Why not have Kane take control, like he did with Cena. I thought that was more interesting and more indulging for the usual fan.

Grade: B+

Brodus Clay def. Heath Slater:

What I Liked/Disliked:

The usual squash match. What else can you say about this? The song and the women grab my attention, now his flabby thighs and pecs. At least Clay was knocked down for a solid 2 seconds. That is progress, right? NO.

Grade: D


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