Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-23

Zack Ryder and Eve are backstage. Zack basically tries to woo her over. She leaves upset, but with a mischevious smile on her face.

The Great Khali def. Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked/Disliked:

The match, unfortunately, did nothing for me. I liked how John tried to screw over Khali and Team Teddy with the ringing of the bell, but it did not make sense. It would have if it was on Raw, but this felt like they ran out of ideas and did not want to make Khali look weak. Ziggler doesn't deserve this, so why not have him and Santino fight? Or Kofi? Hell I would take either of those any day. Let Khali do some outside interference and not have to wrestle in a match. You seen the liability and restrictions you have with him.

Grade: C


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