Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-23

C.M. Punk and Sheamus def. The Miz and Daniel Bryan:

What I Liked:

The pacing of the match was wonderful. We had a very exciting and complete match here, with good athleticism, speed, and the power from Sheamus countered everyone else's talents in the ring. Sheamus and Miz did a solid job at carrying the final moments of the match. Bryan copping his way out was a smart way to give Bryan even more heat than he is already getting. I felt the main event hit almost every point it needed to.

What I Disliked:

Too predictable having Miz be the scapegoat. I want something different to happen, but I understand what they are trying to do with guys like Sheamus vs. Bryan. Also, please show Jericho each week. This is a must so close to Miami. I really wanted him to eliminate Punk from the match somehow, make Sheamus look stronger, etc.

Grade: A-

Smackdown Grade: B+

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