WrestleMania Prediction Machine: The Final Results

Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny

Dolph Ziggler

Nick Paglino:

Regardless of which team wins this match, I don't see Long or Laurinaitis staying off WWE TV permanently, so the power struggle might continue on after WrestleMania. At this point, I think Johnny has more "momentum" on the Raw side of things, and is a fresher, albeit wholly boring, character, and Teddy Long is growing somewhat stale in the SD! GM role. So as far as 'Mania goes, my pick is Team Laurinaitis, but I think Teddy Long will be back in the fold at some point. 

Justin LaBar:

Team Laurinaitis has a stacked team which could spell trouble for them. However, I think WWE likes the reaction big Johnny gets and thinks he would be a good character to have on both shows. I say team Johnny wins.

Josh Isenberg:

Based on the tenure of Teddy Long on Smackdown, I see team Johnny winning here. They have more talent than Teddy has, but I wish this match was an elimination match. I see a lot of finishers countering one another. What happens here is Dolph Ziggler or The Miz will be the one with the pin fall. I think either of those guys would be the best choice. The only wish I have is that they get 15 minutes minimum for everyone to get a piece of the action. This is basically in place of the Money in the Bank, so this would be a great time cruncher with a lot of action from your future.