Brock Lesnar: Art Imitates Life

Brock LesnarWhen I reported that Paul Heyman advised Brock Lesnar on his WWE interviews, I should have been more specific. It was just his pre-taped interview, which WWE played repeatedly and to great effect.

But God, was Lesnar’s interview on this week’s Raw HORRIFIC. Who advised him on that one, Stuttering John Melendez? “You know, John…” “You know, John…” “You know, John…”

Memo to WWE Creative: Never again have Lesnar work with two guys named John during the same promo.

But Lesnar is a GREAT HEEL. Let’s be blunt: He looks like a TOTAL JERK. A muscle-bound, crew-cut sneering freak who thinks he’s God’s gift just because he won the genetics lottery.

Art imitates life.

His jumbled words aside, Lesnar’s attitude shines through the TV: He thinks he’s too good to be there. He’s going to take them for everything they’ve got because they’re desperate (which WWE is, that ‘Mania buy rate aside). He knows he could beat the crap out of any/everyone there and would be perfectly content to do so.

Again, art imitates life.

It’s hard to believe they’re going to Lesnar-Cena already. The way this feud has been presented, I can’t imagine any way to beat Lesnar at Sunday’s PPV unless it’s on a total fluke and Cena acknowledges he was lucky. X amount of people are going to buy into Cena no matter what. He’s paying a price for that.

You can’t beat the REALGUY and expect people to still think he’s REAL. Do that, and Lesnar is just another pro wrestler. His biggest value is being the ass-kicker, not the superstar.

The real money is making Lesnar into a killing machine between now and ‘Mania, then putting him in the ring with the Undertaker. People would sense the streak is at legitimate risk. The Undertaker is NOT intimidating standing next to Lesnar. Have Lesnar laugh at all the “dead man” stuff. Have him make fun of it. Call it hokey. “I’m gonna break you in half, old man.”

People would fear for the Undertaker. That would be a great new twist. Imagine, the Undertaker as underdog. Vulnerable.

I love Brock. Love his character. His UFCbackground and legitimacy make him a perfect fit at a good time. Use him right, and he could be a game-changer at a time when I doubted if one of those would ever come along again.

Three key words: “Use him right.” Don’t see THAT happening.