Superstar Spotlight: WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes


Superstar Spotlight: Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes had a lot to live up to when he came to WWE, but it is safe to say he has done the most out of all the third generation superstars. Ted DiBiase, Michael McGillicutty and others have all been given the spotlight at some time, but Cody is the one who has thrived. Cody is one of the few people who I have enjoyed with every gimmick he has had. He has accomplished alot in his short career, including being a Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion, and getting a win over Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania. He had one of the more entertaining feuds with Rey Mysterio on Smackdown, and he went from ‘Dashing’ to damaged.

Cody is like the WWE’s version of Doctor Doom, and he is doing a great job living up to his family’s name. I think it is safe to say he already surpassed his father’s WWE career, and is well on his way of becoming better than Goldust or Dustin Rhodes. Goldust has been one of my favorite personalities in WWE, and he was always great at turning his gimmicks into gold. Cody seems like he also has that trait, but I think the WWE really missed out by not pairing them together or having them face off. We got a bit of a tease when Cody was feuding with Booker T, but a feud between brothers could have been really fantastic to watch. 

Cody is feuding with Big Show, who is usually hit or miss with me, but I really have enjoyed what they have done so far. Some people don’t like the way Cody lost his title only to get it right back at Wrestlemania, but the whole point was Big Show’s Wrestlemania moment. I would have had Cody cheat to win, then have Show destroy him like he did at Extreme Rules postmatch, but it wouldn’t have had the same effect. We don’t always agree as fans, but sometimes guys just need to lose to progress; Cena over Brock is another instance, but for this case Cody got what was coming to him. They can’t really do much more in this feud, but I think we will get one more match with Eve or John Laurinaitis costing Big Show, transitioning him to a new feud.

So, the question is, where does Cody go from here? Like Dolph Ziggler, the main event picture is a little too crowded for him to move up, but he will find something to do. I would have liked to have seen a proper feud with Ted DiBiase, but that didn’t really pan out and Ted is currently injured. I would have also liked Cody returning to his ‘Dashing’ gimmick, but Big Show completely threw that under the bus a few weeks ago. How about a feud with Ryback or Brodus Clay? Both could be interesting, although Ryback is still is crushing mode and Brodus is tied up with Dolph and Vickie. I think a feud with CM Punk would be great, but like everything else mentioned, other things are going on right now. Cody is young and talented, (and he’s a Legend of Zelda fan) so he won’t go long without something to do, and he is definitely going to get to the top in due time.


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