
WrestleZone’s Top 10: WWE Authority Figures

Number 8: Teddy Long: July 2004-September 2007, April 2009-April 2012

Teddy Long

Talk about tenure. Teddy Long has basically done it all on Smackdown. For many years, he stayed away from the angles and let the wrestlers do it themselves. He was used solely as an authority figure who makes decisions and that is it. He did not show favoritism to the faces or the heels. After a few years, I got tired of Long. Either way, he deserves to be on this list because he has been through so much with the company. Whether it was his feuds with Vickie and Johnny, or even his hatred for Drew McIntyre, Long transitioned his character from a loving and happy guy to a puppet. Long may be up on this list if he did more to impact the show, but he never did something monumental. He always gave us “Beat The Clock” challenges or tournaments for championships, but there was not one big thing he is remembered for. His professionalism and dedication to do whatever he was asked is very admirable.


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