Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 5-19

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment:

John Laurinaitis comes out and talks about his match against John Cena. He asked the board to overturn their decision, but to no avail. Laurinaitis asks for the crowd to pray with him for his match on Sunday. Out comes C.M. Punk, who interrupts Laurinaitis. He says that everybody has been praying and it will come true. Everyone wants to see John Laurinaitis get fired. Johnny books Punk vs. Kane for later tonight, and says he hates everyone and they can all go to hell.

What I Liked:

Great heel heat to start of Smackdown for Laurinaitis. I really felt like he did a great job on the microphone going from humble and quiet to cocky and angry. You can tell he gets better each week and is more comfortable in front of the live crowd when conversing with other superstars. Furthermore, his history with Punk will never go away, so it makes sense for one of the most popular stars to get in his face. It benefits both of their characters.

What I Disliked:

The biggest match of Laurinaitis' career is Sunday, but we do not see John Cena? I really do not understand that. I felt it would have been much more important to see him over Punk, especially since it is Smackdown and Cena is rarely on there.

Grade: B

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth def. O'Neil and Young

What I Liked:

This was good exposure for a young tag team like Titus and Darren. The match was given some solid time and was not rushed just to make Truth and Kingston look powerful heading into Over The Limit. Truth connects with a beautiful DDT on Young, and it really kept the pacing of the match going. O'Neil had to be the muscle and the power, but it did not overshadow Darren Young. They actually compliment each other very well.

What I Disliked:

Is Titus O'Neil really ready to be an everyday star on Smackdown? You have to take the chance, but the verdict is not out yet on him. He is a big and good looking talent, but does he have the actual skills. I compare him to Otunga, in the sense that both guys are still very green when it comes to actual technicality inside the ring. I saw him hit a powerslam and a few punches. Other than that, they are protecting him by letting Young control the match. I almost would say why not pair Percy Watson with Young. Nonetheless, O'Neil does have that cocky and annoying attitude that interests me.

Grade: B-


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