
The vitriol coming from the Hogan family toward Scott Steiner is pathetic. I hear Steiner being called many things in the wake of his anti-Impact, anti-Dixie, anti-Hogan and anti-Bischoff rants. A liar isn’t one of them.

Impact continues to burn while Dixie fiddles, though there are high points. Bobby Roode becomes a stronger, more legit world champ every day. Solid promos. I hope Roode gets to WWE eventually so people remember him.

But Garrett Bischoff gets a push even as Brooke Hogan prepares to debut as a regular character. How can Impact be taken seriously?

I had to laugh when Brooke took Steiner to task via Twitter. Brooke says she could make more money on her back than Steiner did his whole career, and we may yet see that tested. But Brooke should wish daddy dearest had taken care of his money as well as Steiner did his. Steiner is a shrewd investor, he cleaned up on dot-coms, and doesn’t have to work if he doesn’t want to.

Brooke is, as Steiner says, a no-talent. Couldn’t make it in music despite her family constantly throwing good money after bad. Good body, but looks too much like her dad facially. Honey, trim that nose and jaw, I’m beggin’ ya.

Like so many before her, Brooke joins the family business now that all other options have dried up. Unlike Steiner, she needs to work.

Many think of Steiner as a dangerous sociopath, and he’s fine with that. But I always got along with him and his brother. Their word is good. That’s a lot more than various members of the Hogan clan can say.

I defy anyone to tell me where Hulk Hogan has ever sacrificed personally for the good of his employer or any of his co-workers. That just hasn’t happened. He’s been totally selfish for so long, it’s just a normal day for him.

Want proof? Well, the National Enquirer seems to believe that the woman in Hulk’s sex tape is Heather Clem, ex-wife of Hulk’s “best friend,” DJ Bubba the Love Stooge. Divorced or not, how many men nail their best friend’s missus, let alone make a sex tape with her? That’s as low as it gets.

Best part: Bubba still considers Hulk a friend. It’s like the Stockholm Syndrome, only with morons.

The only time Scott Steiner got mad at me was when he dyed his hair and van dyke white and I called him “White Thunder.” “HEY! KNOCK THAT WHITE THUNDER S*** OFF!” Didn’t have to tell me twice.