Top Ten

Wrestlezone Top 10: Shocking Heel Turns

Number 5: Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels

Viewed as one of the best tag teams in their era, The Rockers had it all. Shawn and Marty were flashy, exciting, and technically sound inside the ring. They captured the hearts of the youth, especially the female demographic. It was time to keep going and work with what is best, right? Wrong, as Michaels threw Jannety into a glass window inside a Barber Shop. What a legendary moment in the career of Shawn Michaels. This was a huge risk because neither of the guys were proven to be able to succeed on their own. Michaels’ career has been well documented and praised since this occurrance. He shocked the fans and Jannety, but it had to happen. They took a risk and it proved to work perfectly. Michaels was the “it” guy in the tag team, and Jannety was not able to keep up to Michaels’ star power. What a shock, and what a huge payoff for the history of the WWE.