Title This: Impact Wresting Reaction 5-31

Austin AriesAustin Aries def. Chris Sabin

What I Liked:

A great matchup between two X Division talents. Chris Sabin is now on his own and has a lot to prove. He was great with Alex Shelley, but needs to develop some sort of persona that is different from his prior days in the company. Since Aries is a bonafide face right now, Sabin would benefit going heel and working on being the guy that is trying to beat Aries. This match was excellent, fast paced, and show grit and athleticism from both guys. Aries is the total package, especially how his emotions are worn right on his sleeve. I thought the match did not lack anything that was needed to be seen, and it felt like Sabin was "so close" to winning. Great in ring psychology between both men. Sabin hit a stellar move, a hanging DDT type of move from the side ropes. The finish gives us an opportunity to see these guys continue, with a Aries rollup victory.

Grade: A

In Ring Segment

What I Liked:

Dixie Carter introudces Brooke Hogan. I thought it was a smart idea to mention that she hired her and not her father. Even though we all know this is bogus, it at least gives them a chance to have her do something on her own.

What I Disliked:

The big announcement was a TNA Hall of Fame. Are you kidding me? This is a complete joke. There is no Minor League Baseball Hall of Fame, so what does this accomplish? Also, Brooke really has no reason to be connected. Dixie tried to say she knows the business, but I highly doubt she has a clue about booking, decision making, and entertainment. I will give it a few weeks, because I do not mind seeing Brooke's body in general.

Grade: D


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