Josh Isenberg

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Entrance Theme Songs

Number 8: Zack Ryder

Zack Ryder

“Radio” is the title of Zack Ryder’s cult like theme song. What an absolutely hilarious song to come out to, with a little bit of drums behind it. Haven’t you ever said to your friends, “Gonna drink some beers tonight?” and his response is Yeah!” It connects so well with the 18-35 demographic and completely fits with his character. Ryder is a mix of Jersey Shore and that cool doushcebag that you deep down wish you could dress like and pull it off. He is comical, interesting, and his song is a great way for him to get a loud pop. WWWYKI starts the song, and the crowd will pop. Go back and listen to his entrance at Survivor Series, and the crowd goes absolutely crazy. His song started it all, along with his internet show.