Josh Isenberg's Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Women in Wrestling

Number 6: Kharma


There has never been more excitement and anticipation for a woman wrestler than there is with Kharma. Say what you want about Kia Stevens, but she is a force to be reckoned with. The fact that people are anxiously awaiting her return to the WWE tells you that fans want to see her, and that the Divas Division will immediately become interesting again. Not since Chyna has there been a buzz about this division on a completely different level. Yes, Mickie and Trish carried it for years, but this is a once in a lifetime angle, a generational character. Kharma will most likely be feuding with men, because her stature is just too big to be considered a “Diva” only wrestler. When creative has the right idea for her, she will return and take the entire WWE Universe by storm.


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