Mt. Killamanjaro: Raw 1,000 Review, Looking to the Future, & Why 3-Hour Raw Isn’t So Bad

An "Awesome" IC Champion

MizThe Miz is fresh off filming the Marine 3 and he's back, sporting a new look, new intensity and now a new Championship around his waist. I'm sure more than a few of you are thinking that this win is a huge, somewhat unnecessary step backwards for the Miz. I disagree. 

Cody Rhodes did more for the Intercontinental title by simply changing its design. He then went on to hold it for 236 days, legitimizing it through old fashioned hard work; a method I had assumed was long-since forgotten by the WWE. Christian didn't do a whole lot for the belt (I still hold that Rhodes never should have lost it), but having a former World Champion behind your mid-card certainly can't hurt the product any. 

The Miz is a Triple Crown and former WWE Champion. He's largely one of the more over-rated talents on the roster, but the reaction he can provoke from a crowd is undeniable. If nothing else, it will be nice to have an Intercontinental Champion with a fully developed character, that peaks my interest when it comes to potential storylines. Christian is done; he's had a long career with some time in the spotlight in 2011, but I barely cared about him even when coupled against Randy Orton. The Miz is a young guy with a lot of momentum from the higher-ups in WWE management. This title change is not only deserved, but a positive step for the product. 

Paul Heyman Takes on the Billion Dollar Princess

Triple HMuch like the Rock, Brock Lesnar's dates in WWE are extremely limited. Unlike the Rock, Brock Lesnar isn't going to be around after next year's WrestleMania, and he doesn't give a shit about professional wrestling. So how do you use a guy that's only in it for the quick paycheck, that's hot off a big return LOSS to John Cena? Put him over Triple H. 

I've heard too many people complaining about Triple H getting the upper hand in last night's brawl with Lesnar. Why wouldn't the former UFC Champion kick the silly professional wrestler's ass? Why did the more legitimate guy take the fall to an ego-maniacal member of Vince's upper management? It's pretty damn simple: this isn't the UFC, the story is more important than "legitimacy", and Triple H is a former 13-time World Champion. Any more questions? 

In the immortal words of Ric Flair, Hunter has forgotten more about the wrestling business than Brock Lesnar will ever learn in his entire life. Sure he's a big name from a big company that used to run around beating the shit out of scrawny punks and handicaps back in the day (and this is before putting on the worst match in WrestleMania history, mind you). And yes, he's beaten titans like the Undertaker too. Brock Lesnar is a scary man, I'm not trying to take anything away from him, but in a WWE ring Triple H does not go down so easily. 

The bottom line is this: it was one night! A night spiced up by the surprise return of Stephanie McMahon and the exceptional promo skills of Paul Heyman. The feud is now personal, and we've seen what Triple H and the McMahon's are capable of producing when they allow things to get personal (ala Randy Orton in 2009). I  have no doubt this is going to be a fun ride that might even take some unexpected twists and turns – more on that later. 

Heath Slater vs. the World

Too many people assumed this would be a spot for Steve Austin or the Undertaker. Too many people were thoroughly disappointed. You really think Vince McMahon is going to let either one of the aforementioned legends waste their return on Slater? No, the "One Man Band" is fodder for past legends that fans barely care about anymore. 

Lita was a great choice. The Universe still knows who she is and, likely due to the current Divas' division, wants her back. The A.P.A. drew a big reaction; any time I see JBL it's a good day in pro wrestling. And you had to see the outpouring of wrestling's past coming from a mile away, not that I'm complaining. Great to see Mr. Laurinaitis – no, not Johnny Ace, "Road Warrior" Animal! Even with a dozen great talents in the ring, that moment still felt like it was severely lacking. Where was Ricky Steamboat? Ted Dibiase and Dusty Rhodes? We're talking Hall of Famers already employed by the company, all of whom were likely backstage anyways. 

And for the love of Pete Rose, where in hell was the Ultimate Warrior? 


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