Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 8-2-12

Chavo def. Kid Kash

What I Liked:

This debut gives a very talented Hernandez something to do. Chavo looked really good, fresh and on spot with his moves. I understand what they are trying to do, but I do not agree with it.

What I Disliked:

Kid Kash has some good offensive moves, but do we really care about him or Chavo? I feel like Chavo would benefit much more by feuding with someone like Anderson, Hardy, or even RVD. Give Chavo a guy who is established and still relevant, not someone who is barely holding on. Kash has a good look with 3,000 tattoos, but he does not fit with Chavo. Chavo will be as relevant as they book him, and right now he is in the same spot where he was in WWE. Make a bigger impact, no pun intended. Also, we get the tribute to Eddie. Move on and do your own thing for once. I am sick of Eddie's moves being used CONSISTENTLY by Chavo.

Grade: C

-Wes Brisco is backstage with Kurt Angle. He looks marketable and could be something big in TNA.

-Dixie Carter talks about the Claire story. In the ring, Daniels and Kazarian set up a Baby Shower for Claire. I have to say that Claire is an absolutely awful actress. She forces everything she says and feels like she is believable because she screams. I had high hopes for this angle, but it has fallen flat. Nobody really cares that much anymore. It is brutal when you do not believe it whatsoever. Too bad.


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