WWE SummerSlam 2012 – What Did & Did Not Bother Me

The MizWhat Did NOT Bother Me: Miz vs Rey Rey

I really enjoyed this match, period.

I think Miz has a small-guy complex or something because he works so much better with them than he does those bigger than him. I guess that makes sense and he's probably not the only one who does.

I can't be certain, but I like how certain things are shaping up right now. Miz could be a very steady IC title holder. Antonio Cesaro is getting rave reviews and although it's easy to see why in the ring, I'm not so sure on the mic yet. However, I like they put the US Championship on someone else; Santino wasn't going anywhere with it (at no fault of his own, by the way).

We also hear that Triple H might be focusing more on the tag team division soon.

I don't want to jinx it or jump the gun, but WWE is certainly saying all the right things and making a lot of good, subtle moves. The undercard deserves the attention and maybe they are starting to put the pieces in place to give them just that.

We'll see, but if we get more like we did from Miz/Rey last night, I definitely won't complain about it.


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