WWE SummerSlam 2012 – What Did & Did Not Bother Me

Chris JerichoWhat DID Bother Me: Chris Jericho Defeats Dolph Ziggler

Note: This was written prior to tonight's WWE Raw going on the air, but tonight's events still don't really change the way I feel about their pay per view match.

I'm aware Ziggler still has the MITB, but I don't think that should make up for everything along the way. Wouldn't it be fresh if they actually built a MITB winner up before he cashed in rather than using it to do it for them?

If and when Ziggler cashes in, it's already a cheap vistory by design. Why make it even cheaper everytime?

Assuming Dolph moves past Y2J quickly after this, I think the best route to take would be having him drop Vickie before he cashes in the briefcase. The fans will want to cheer him for cashing in regardless, but it won't stick if Vickie remains by his side.

I will admit that it's a bit risky; I honestly have no idea how Dolph would go over as a babyface. I believe the fans will give him a chance to find out though.

I think Del Rio wins at Night of Champions so Dolph can cash in on him. And hopefully, Sheamus turns heel again within the next 3-4 months once he lets go of the belt. Now that would just make my year.

Follow Chris Cash on Twitter @RealityofChris or email him at chris.cash@wrestlezone.com.


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