Wrestlezone’s Top 10: What Raw Needs To Accomplish

5. Will There Ever Be More For Tag Teams?
Kofi Kingston

This seems to be a question each week on WWE TV. Last Friday on Smackdown, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel debuted as a tag team, only to lose to Primetime Players. With them, The Uso's, Kofi and Truth, Primo and Epico, and potentially one more team on their way, there is never a better time to make importance of these titles. Yes, the belt design is ugly and is currently held by two single's superstars, but the old school tag teams are really becoming more and more closer to extinct. I like how many tag teams they currently have, but they need to utilize them. I do not simply want to see one team win, stare at the champions, and move on. Where has the creativity and attention to detail gone? Didn't Nexus attack Kofi, among others? Wasn't Darren Young there, and Titus was a member or Nexus in another season? There are background stories that can be told. You can say the same for Gabriel and Kidd, two guys who should be upset because they are not being used. Their abilities in the ring are great and overlooked, but this should give them a chip on their shoulder. There is so much they are ignoring, and they could use it for some really compelling time on Raw