Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-5

CM PunkCM Punk Defeats Dolph Ziggler

What I Liked:

This was a great contest. I always love seeing two of the best compete in the ring. I was worried that Punk would easily control most of this match, much like many Ziggler matches go. To my delight, they let Ziggler really control a great part of the match. He applied a headlock, connected with a beautiful dropkick, and plants Punk with a stellar DDT. He continues his offense until Punk is able to counter and connect with a running bulldog. Both men exchange blows, go back and forth, and even take the action to the outside. Punk goes up top, but Ziggler knocks him down. Ziggler runs and misses a corner splash, gets caught into a GTS, and sells the GTS to absolute perfection. THAT is how you sell a finisher as complicated as Punk's Go To Sleep. Well done. I also thought there needed to be something addressed from Punk about Hell in a Cell, and he drags it on until he says he will not fight him in Hell in a Cell. Keep this going until you hit that boiling point. I feel like this week's Raw will make Punk want to accept. Something has to happen this week, or at the latest, next week on Raw.

Grade: A-

Smackdown Grade: C+

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