TNA Bound For Glory 2012: What Did & Did Not Bother Me

TNA Bound For GloryBe sure to watch the Voice of Wrestling and VOW Reaction shows, live tonight, before and after Monday Night Raw. Visit the VOW Network for details.

What Did NOT Bother Me: James Storm vs Bobby Roode

Let's imagine this match without King Mo. As in, completely. I have no idea why he was included in the first place and now, having watched the actual pay per view, the reason is even less clear. He wasn't even a factor.

This match was everything it was supposed to be, and more. These two men seriously went out there and laid it all on the line (which luckily seemed to be the theme of the night with most of the guys).

James Storm was a bloody MESS, and although I don't think wrestling matches "need" blood, it certainly enhances them at times. It adds to the story being told, especially when the told story is one of two men trying to kill each other with weapons and stuff.

I would have preferred this match with the heavyweight title, but I'll let it slide. Mainly because I know it won't be the last time we see these two going at it.