What’s Bothering Me: TNA Morale, Rhodes’ Injury, Ryback’s New Streak

Ryback#1. Ryback's New Streak – Loses A Lot!

Remember the time when Ryback was expected to actually win his matches? The undefeated streak actually worked for a change and when he abruptly entered himself into the title picture with Punk, fans actually thought he had shot at winning the title. Times have certainly changed.

I'm not going to continue harping on the fact Ryback's streak came to an end at HIAC. I'm over that now. Kind of. But I do feel like complaining about his remaining in the title picture since that loss, causing him to begin a new streak of always losing the big ones.

To his credit, fans have remained supportive. But WWE can't continue relying on that support overcoming multiple, consecutive losses to Punk in the main event of every pay per view.

The idea of Ryback beating Punk at TLC has now become absurd. Laughable, even. But why? Because the thought of Ryback going on to defend against Rock at the Rumble isn't even a thought in the first place. Rather, it's unthinkable. But should it be?

WWE needs stars for when Rock is not around. And sure, I'm aware there's plenty of time available for Ryback, but why is Rock vs Ryback so unimaginable? For starters, Ryback is no longer undefeated. That would have at least made things a bit easier. But even further, it still feels way too early for Ryback to be put in that high-profiled position. If Vince was truly behind Ryback's push all along, I'm not sure that would be the case.

Convincing Rock to work Ryback is an impossible challenge, claims some. I don't understand why. Look at the possible scenario of that taking place: Ryback gets the major, unexpected rub from Punk at TLC, Rock goes over Ryback at Rumble, yet Ryback still gets the rub from Rock just by being in the match, Rock works (and likely retains at) Elimination Chamber where Punk, Cena, and Ryback could all be involved if the match took place in an actual EC match, and Rock goes on to work Punk or both Punk and Cena at WrestleMania.

The Rumble draws on its own, so it's a great place to throw Ryback to the wolves if you really wanted to. But Vince doesn't really want to, it seems. Punk vs Rock at the Rumble and then following up with Rock vs Punk, Rock vs Cena, or Rock vs Both at WM has been the plan for a while. I agree – those are MUCH bigger draws than they would be with Ryback. But sometimes, sacrifices need to be made when you have a good thing going and you want to make it great.

I believe Ryback could be a big star for WWE in the future. But he's a one-dimensional character that I'm afraid will fall, and fall fast, once he has to rely on more than just beating people up and prompting crowds to chant three words. And that time is about to be upon us.

I think I'm going to sell my Ryback stock before it's too late.

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