The Cashbox: My Interview with Vince Russo

The report today claiming there's a "big internal push in WWE to make the product edgier" seems fitting for the featured interview below. Former WWE, WCW and TNA creative writer, Vince Russo, took the time to talk with me for the ten-year anniversary of my Voice of Wrestling show. Due to the length of the interview, I only aired a few minutes of it for the live listeners on Monday. The conversation with Vince can be heard below, in its entirety.

I like Vince. Always have. And although I expect the Comments section below to be filled with negativity toward my interview subject, I just ask that you give reasoning and sound logic to back up your feelings.

I won't try to defend Russo, or "David Arquette", or any of the creative decisions he made throughout his 20+ year career, but I do encourage you to consider the positive contributions he's made to the business as well. I find it shameful so many people can dismiss the good things so easily. Vince made some questionable decisions, sure, but should be stripped of all creditibility as a result? I don't believe so.

It's the reason I drilled him about his legacy in this interview. I asked a lot of questions about Vince Russo, the person, and not so much about each, individual mistake he might have made in his career. (Of course, he doesn't consider David Arquette to be a mistake either.)

I think it bothers Vince to be viewed in such a negative light by so many. I believe him when he says he's a better person since "turning a new leaf" and becoming a born-again Christian. And I think the positive contributions he made to the wrestling business during his tenure outweigh the negative ones. At least, they do in my mind.

I hope you enjoy the interview. I look forward to hearing some of your thoughts about what you hear, plus any opinions about Vince Russo that I'm sure are bound to surface. I just ask that if you're going to attack someone, keep it directed toward Vince Russo, the writer. Attacks on Vince Russo, the person, will not be tolerated.

Otherwise, enjoy.