Superstar Spotlight

Superstar Spotlight Presents: End of the Year Awards

Women’s Wrestler / Diva of the Year: AJ Lee
(Runners Up – Eve Torres, Brooke Tessmacher, Layla)

The category is women’s wrestler / diva, but AJ Lee did so much out of the ring it made her another easy pick for the award. AJ was a loyal girlfriend, jilted lover, RAW general manager, vengeful employee and an all around “crazy chick.” (I even saw #psycHO starting to pop up around Twitter.) She had a year like no other: she was involved with Daniel Bryan, Kane, CM Punk, John Cena, and now Dolph Ziggler, and made each interaction different and important. As if that wasn’t enough, her rivalry with Vickie Guerrero was very entertaining and it was always welcomed to see Vickie get what she deserved. AJ made her time entertaining, and she is being placed in the main feuds, which hasn’t happened in a long time. AJ plays her role well, and it looks to continue well into the next year.  

Superstar of the Year: CM Punk
(Runners Up –  Bobby Roode, Sheamus, Austin Aries)

Who else am I going to pick? If you don’t acknowledge Punk’s accolades you are stupid or ignorant. He was the champion all year long. Mick Foley said it, Paul Heyman and Punk himself said it, and I am saying it along with many others too. You can’t let this kind of success go unrewarded. Punk had several good to great matches (against Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena just to name a few) and being the longest reigning champion in the modern era doesn’t just happen to anyone.

Match of the Year: Undertaker vs HHH – “The End of an Era” Hell In A Cell Match at Wrestlemania 28
(Runners Up –  Brock Lesnar vs John Cena at Extreme Rules, CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan at Money In The Bank, AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels in a Last Man Standing Match at Destination X)

This match was hard to beat, eventhough there were a lot of great matches to pick from. All three men involved in the match really stole the show away from John Cena and The Rock, which already had high expectations. There were a few times where I thought they might actually end the streak, and the match was filled with great spots. (HBK hitting Sweet Chin Music followed by an immediate Pedigree was awesome, even more so when Undertaker kicked out and Shawn Michaels looked horrified at possibly interfering in the outcome.)  The match was hard hitting and full of emotion, and the image of the three men helping each other out of the arena said everything you needed to hear. They gave everything they had, and they tore the house down.

Thanks for reading, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, thanks to my fellow staff members for being such good sports, it’s a pleasure working with such good people. See you in 2013!


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