Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: Greatest Wrestlemania Superstars of All Time

Number 5: The Rock

The Rock

The Rock has competed in some of the best Wrestlemania matches in the Attitude Era. Yes, we all remember his trilogy of matches against Stone Cold, but some of the other matches he was in really boosted his overall greatness. Rock faced Austin three times, was in a Fatal Four Way match at Wrestlemania 2000, and also looked into the eyes of the Iconic Hulk Hogan to give Toronto a classic pairing at Wrestlemania X-8. I have always enjoyed every part of his game inside and outside of the ring, and loved seeing him come back a year ago. It was an average match in terms of wrestling, but his return netted the biggest profit for a Wrestlemania…EVER. Those numbers are hard to ignore. This year, he walks in as WWE Champion, something he has not done in 12 years.