What’s Bothering Me: Chael Sonnen, Bully Ray Caught, Punk/Urn

#3. Chael Sonnen Insults Vince McMahon

I actually like Chael Sonnen as a "character". He would do well in pro wrestling. He should probably consider it too; his MMA career has been mediocre at best. Two high-profiled losses to Anderson Silva and outside of one submission win over Brian Stann (who?) in 2011, he hasn't finished an opponent since 2007.

He doesn't seem to have a problem being finished, however.

I don't need anyone pointing out that he could kick my ass; I'm aware of that fact. I don't claim to be a fighter like he does. Then again, looking at the numbers, the odds of me at least going the distance are pretty good.

I like some good ol' trash talking as much as the next guy – it's the primary reason I like Sonnen – but as much as Dana White would likely whoop up on Vince McMahon, Sonnen should reconsider throwing CM Punk's name into the equation. I know where I'd put my money if Punk and Sonnen squared off in the middle of the octagon.

Sonnen would talk the talk, but Punk is no stranger to dropping pipebombs of his own. The difference would come up in the match itself. Punk would rise under the incredible pressure while Sonnen would fold like he's done so many times before.

I'd pay good money for Dana White vs Vince McMahon in a "real" fight; I'd pay even more for Punk vs Sonnen. And in the same way Brock Lesnar did during his short run in UFC, I'm confident CM Punk would give us wrestling fans another reason to tell MMA haters to F' off when they try to insult our sport.