Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 3-21-13

Impact WrestlingThe Undercard

Austin Aries and Bobby Roode defeated Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero in great tag team wrestling action. I loved the quick tags from Roode and Aries, which allowed them to gain an advantage over the much stronger Hernandez. They attacked him from all angles, did not focus on one specific body part, and tried to weaken him throughout. The heels distracted the referee a few times to choke their opponents. That is classic and easy ways for heels to continue to try and get heat from the crowd. At the end of the match, Bad Influence came out and distracted the referee so Aries could grab the tights of Chavo and pick up a victory. Bad Influence clears the ring after the match. They pose with the titles in hand. I liked the fact that TNA is not focusing on one specific tag team and are giving opportunities for other teams in infiltrate the division.

Grade: B+

Kenny King defeated Zema Ion and Sonjay Dutt in an X-Division Championship match. First off, all of these guys are extremely entertaining. It was announced that X-Division matches will all now be 3-ways. Kenny King took control early in the match, but this was a match that did not last long and was meant for those "big" spots to carry the pace of the match. Sonjay missed the Moonsault Stomp, which allowed King to hit Royal Flush. It was a fun and quick match that did not do anything more than be randomly selected for the night. There was no backstory or meaning to carry it forward, which I was not extremely happy about.

Grade: C+

Matt Morgan defeated Joseph Park in a sloppy contest. Park still remains in his character of not knowing how to wrestle. It is not really believable to us because we know who he really is. I have been getting sick of the character for a long time and think the mask needs to get back on him to keep him interesting and relevant. He has done more than I thought he could with it, but now is the time to end the drawn out storyline. Morgan is a beast, and NEEDS to be in the main event. I have always been a fan of his, but he needs the right competition to get over. Wrestling is sometimes a dance and he needs the right partner.

Grade: C


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