Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction June 7th, 2013

Daniel BryanThe Main Events

-First off, MizTV was excellent tonight. I prefer The Miz hosting the show in his suit rather his ring gear because it has a more serious feel to it. Daniel Bryan starts off by being level-headed but quickly turns to yelling at Orton and Kane. I loved the interaction between all three because it was funny, serious, and continued to enhance all three of their characters.

The Shield vs. Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan was the main event of the night. Once again, Bryan shined in the spotlight. The match was quick and effective for all men involved. These disqualifications are working in favor of The Shield because they continue to look dominant. I felt like the ending of the night was a little shocking. After Bryan hit Orton unintentionally, he locked in his submission move to Rollins and then cleared the ring from the other men. Orton hits an RKO onto Bryan to close the night out. I really enjoyed this. Orton needs to be that guy that is by himself, making no friends, and thriving. He can certainly help his cause by slowly turning into a bad guy if he targets a crowd favorite like Bryan.

Grade: B

Smackdown Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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