Isenberg and Killam Run Down the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Participants

Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow

Josh Isenberg: The same reasons for Cody Rhodes can be used here for Sandow, but there are a few differences. Sandow is a more complete and understandable character. People know what he is and how he reacts. The gimmick is genius and is being wasted. The intelligence of Sandow inside and outside of the ring is PERFECT for someone holding a briefcase. His aggression and continued improvement in the ring is something you want from a future champion. With all that being said, he continues to lose every single week on television. He has not strung together a consist set of victories. WWE could throw a curveball here and give it to Damien, but I doubt that they would give it to someone that has not even won a mid card title yet.

Mike Killam: I've said it before, and I'll say it again no matter how much you people disagree with me: Damien Sandow has made a career off being over-rated, and hasn't proven himself yet as a viable star in WWE. I get why people like him so much, and can so easily pretend he's the next big thing. His gimmick is being a superior douche; that concept resonates pretty well with the vast majority of wrestling fans on the internet. And if you're offended by that statement, it's probably because it's applicable to you. My point is, what about Sandow sets him apart as a future WWE Champion? He's above average in the ring, but he's not on Daniel Bryan's level, and WWE has let better talents than him go. His mic skills work with the gimmick, but take that away – does he have anything useful or interesting left to say?

Side note: I've wanted to talk about this for awhile, and now seems like as good a time as any. Sandow has a classic mid-card gimmick. His personality is similar to that of a Rick Rude, with a gimmick more echoing Mike Rotunda circa Irwin R. Schyster; neither were ever world champions. Not that Sandow is an obnoxious tax collector, but because his gimmick is all-encompassing and consists of his entire character in pro wrestling.  It's all I know about him. He's the guy that comes out in a robe, teaches long-winded and boring lessons to the crowd, and uses moves like the Cubito Aequet. It's fun, sets him apart from the rest of the roster, but it's just not enough to make him a main event talent. Gimmicks like this are great for the first few years of a guy's career, but eventually he's got to break out and become a realistic threat. The gimmick can't be all there is. John Cena didn't stay a white rapper. Sandow has to evolve beyond the gimmick if he wants to succeed in wrestling. Not because gimmicks don't get over, but because Damien's gimmick is all he has right now; he's Matt Striker 2.0, and that's not enough to become world champion. 


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