Isenberg and Killam Run Down the WWE Championship Money in the Bank Participants


Isenberg: The Celtic Warrior is really underrated in the WWE. Marks love to boo him because they think he is like so many other guys. His timing in the ring is similar to Triple H. He never misses a beat and is so critical in the WWE while developing bigger but more athletic heavyweights. I do not think he should win because he is not ready to jump back to the WWE Championship picture. He is too good of a heel to be wasted like he is, but fans love to cheer for this guy who looks like a cartoon. There lies the problem.

Killam: The whole John Cena fan mentality has really hindered Sheamus from being a future top babyface of the company. For as much as I love him, and for as many great matches he puts on at consistent rate, Josh is partially right here; marks love to not give a $#!* about him. Still, for the sake of this discussion, his future in the company doesn't really matter. Sheamus doesn't need this win, nor does he need to be involved with the WWE championship at this point. 


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