Debut WZ Feature Addresses Hot Forum Topics of the Week: Prime Time Players, Total Divas, Bryan vs Cesaro & More

Antonio CesaroThis is a debut editorial from returning WrestleZone columnist Michael Sullivan.  Each Wednesday, Michael will provide a response to an intriguing or controversial subject from the WrestleZone Forums.

PTP Tease Potential Break Up?

[from an initial forum post at]

As part of the much-maligned Internet Wrestling Community, it goes against my nature to say positive things about professional wrestling.  Nevertheless, this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw continued the show’s recent run of solid performances and (mostly) logical and intriguing booking, capped off by Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro putting on one of the best matches of the year.  Even Brie Bella contributed, turning what would have been a relatively staid group interview for the upcoming show Total Divas into the most talked-about moment of the entire program (albeit with an NSFW result).

Lost in all this was the potential breakup of one of the more underrated tag teams of recent vintage, the Prime Time Players.  The two members are both former NXT competitors; Darren Young was a veteran of the original Nexus storyline, while Titus O’Neil starred on seasons 2 and 5.  The duo consistently elevated the undercard with a standout look, surprisingly entertaining promos, and creative quirks (such as their “Millions of Dollars” dance).


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