Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Impact Wrestling Review – Tito Ortiz & Rampage Jackson; The Fight That Can’t Happen

Kazarian and Daniels are in singles action next week…against each other!

Taz, still kicked out of the arena, tries to reveal the #August1Warning guy in the stretch limo, but…there's just a crappy old laptop computer sitting on the seat, playing the video promos. So, let me get this straight. Whoever this guy is, he rented a stretch limo and put a terrible laptop, just sitting inside of it, and…what? Hoped that somebody would open the door? Hope that when he did, it was just 15 seconds from the end of a pre-recorded video loop? AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE!? 

*grumble grumble grumble*

Gail Kim vs. ODB
Rating: ***

ODB requested to be put back in action to get some revenge on Gail Kim, as she's been acting referee for the last few months. The match goes for awhile, until Gail tries to lock in the Figure Four on the ringpost. They brawl to the outside and continue assaulting each other until the ref is forced to throw out the match. Double count-out.

KILLAM: The Knockouts have been on a role, and consistently one of the least frustrating parts of Impact Wrestling for months now. Pretty solid, albeit short match. Gail is really being built up as a force to be reckoned with. Which is, if we're being honest, what she should be billed as at all times. I'm not sure I like Mickie James pretending to be Madison Rayne, but if these these two lock up at Bound for Glory I anticipate one hell of a match. 

Bully Ray promo backstage with the Aces & Eights. Brooke Hogan shows up and threatens him with some "interesting stipulations" in his world title contract next week. So far, no Hulkster tonight…


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