Stars in Progress: Daniel Bryan Up AND Down, Wrestling vs Entertainment, RVD/Christian, Alberto Del Rio

ChristianChristian/RVD – One Step Down

"He's just a big fish in a small pond." So many used that expression describing RVD and Christian in TNA. That was followed by "TNA don't know how to use them; they'd be better used in WWE". Or something along those lines.

Has anyone ever considered that maybe RVD and Christian are both just fishes in any-sized pond? 

I excuse those fans that simply bash TNA without watching the product at all — there's generally no rhyme or reason to their arguments/criticism of TNA. Their opinions aren't even valid if you ask me..shouldn't be counted.

But there are those that truly believed, in both cases, that RVD and Christian returning to WWE would actually mean something more than it did. For the life of me, I don't understand why.

Their bit players, period. They're fun to watch, good wrestlers, but are missing that special something required to make it to the top. 

The argument that will likely come is RVD and his work in ECW. It's a valid one, I guess, but it's also a point where the "big fish in a small pond" really does apply.

Let me conclude by explaining that being a role player in WWE is fine. I'm not trying to down RVD or Christian with this, but rather call into question so much of the crap I hear fans say when it's simply convenient for them.

Why place blame on TNA for their use of RVD and Christian when WWE treats them the same way? 

Oh, and if you want to talk RVD's win last night or the fact Christian is challenging for the WHC at SummerSlam, talk to me in a few months when neither of those things are true. Or, in Christian's case, we could have talked three months ago when WWE had absolutely nothing creatively for him, despite him being cleared to return for months. 

I guess when you look at it, it's really not a step up OR a step down for either man — they're honestly right where they should be. 


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