Stars in Progress Returns: Ultimate Warrior, Daniel Bryan Turns On Wyatt, New Age Outlaws, AJ Styles’ Future

Ultimate WarriorUltimate Warrior – One Step Up

The mark in me marked hard Monday when it was announced The Ultimate Warrior would be inducted into the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame. I bled red and yellow growing up just like the rest of the sheep, but Warrior is the one that really got me "hooked" on pro wrestling.

He was fascinating to me then, and he's even more fascinating now, albeit for very different reasons. 

Warrior in the Hall of Fame this year makes me want to a buy a ticket.

Which Warrior we get – the PC/PG version or this guy — will determine how epic and classic the speech will be when he deservedly takes his spot as one of the all-time greats of the business.


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