1/18 Ring of Honor TV Review: Ciampa Defends the TV Title, The Decade Tries to Recruit Mark Briscoe, Kevin Steen Responds to Last Week’s Attack

Jay Briscoe comes out with the "real" Ring of Honor World Championship and, after a ton of explitives they can't air on television, challenges Adam Cole to a match for his title. Adam comes out in a suit and calls Briscoe a "dumb redneck" with a toy for a title belt. He gets in Briscoe's face and tells him…he'll let us know next week. Mic drop. Exit arena. 

Cheeseburger vs. Hanson

Remember how I said Raymond Rowe kind of looked like Rory McAllister in my review of the 1/11 show? Well, this guy Hanson is rocking the other half the Highlinders gimmick, and looks like a meatier version of Robbie McAllister. There's well over a 100 pound difference between these guys, as Cheeseburger is one of smallest guys you'll ever see work a wrestling match on television. The crowd is super behind the little guy, for what it's worth, but Hanson murders him with a brutal spinning heel kick for the easy victory. Cheeseburger is busted wide open from the left eye. 

Adam Page vs. Mark Briscoe

The Decade comes down before the match can even get started. Jimmy Jacobs talks about being in Ring of Honor since day one, and tells Mark Briscoe that he belongs with them. Jacobs slaps the taste out of Adam Page's mouth, and a brawl breaks out between the five of them. Looks like we're going to have a tag team match instead. 

Adam Page & Mark Briscoe vs. Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer

Lots of fast-paced action that was already in progress after a commercial break. Adam Page plays the fall guy for most of the of the first half fo the match, until Briscoe comes in and cleans house. Roderick Strong joins commentary briefly to announce that the Decade has a common goal that will be revealed in due time. Briscoe gets held up outside of the ring by Strong while Whitmer and Jacobs put away Young with a cool front slam and cutter combo. The match was pretty fun, with a pretty obvious end-game of putting over the brand new group of heels. They definitely have a lot of momentum, and I'm excited to see what happens when Strong collides with AJ Styles. 

Kevin Steen cuts a fantastic pre-recorded backstage promo on Cliff Compton, bringing back the old "Kill Steen Kill" phrase and promising to put down Compton for good. 


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