ROH Final Battle

Ring Of Honor Final Battle 2018 Live Results; Lethal Retains, Briscoes Win Nasty Ladder War

ROH Final Battle

Ring of Honor Final Battle 2018 Live Results

December 14th, 2018

Report by Robert DeFelice for

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The show opened up with a great video package that really set the stage for all of the great bouts.

Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana welcome us to the show and announced that the Ladder War will close the show, and the women’s four-way is now elimination.

Entrances start for the opening bout with Kenny King coming out first.

Kenny King vs. Eli Isom

Kenny King started off with a promo talking about the new school not being as good as the old school and then he blasted Eli with the microphone. King had a plancha to the floor and stayed control on the outside, but once the action picked inside the ring, Eli took over.

The actions spilled to the floor again and Eli hit a plancha of his own and through King in the ring for a one count pin. King shortly took control afterward and hit an Osaka Street Cutter.

The stream lagged out & when I refreshed King had the match won but picked up Isom in a cocky manner. Isom got a 2-count on a Backslide Driver variation but ultimately King pinned Eli off of a Fireman’s Carry Driver.

Winner: Kenny King

Up next: Cobb vs. Page for The TV Title. Results continue on next page