2/16 Wrestlezone Recap: Hall of Fame on the WWE Network, The Rock in New HBO Series, Kevin Nash is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Hall of Fame Hits WWE Network

Original Story: "Hall of Fame Debuting on WWE Network" 

WWE network launchThis is reason enough to drop the $60 next Monday night. For me, the Hall of Fame is more interesting and tells better stories than WrestleMania. At least that's been the case for the past few years.

I refuse to watch the watered down crap they air on USA or NBC or whoever decides to host the ceremony ever year. They take five minute clips here and there, only show the attention getting segments, and the true legends and pioneers rarely get their moment. The only way to watch the full Hall of Fame ceremony, in its two or three hour long completion, is to buy the WrestleMania DVD or Blue-Ray package when it comes out several months later. What happens if WrestleMania sucks? Now I've got ths thing sitting on my shelf I'm never going to watch. 

This year, all I have to do is turn on the WWE Network. It's that simple. Live and in its completion, they will air the entire Hall of Fame ceremony from beginning to end. No crappy five minute commercial segments. No two month delay. Instant gratification – this is what the Network is all about.


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