Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: Best & Worst of the WWE Network (So Far)

WZ Top Ten​The WWE Network has been live for over a week now, giving hundreds of thousands of wrestling fans the chance to try out Vince McMahon's latest game changer. We were going to run this top ten list last week, but the extra time has also allowed WWE and its affiliates time to work out most of the technical issues that accompany such a giant undertaking. 

This week, the Wrestlezone Top Ten looks at the best, and the worst of the WWE Network. We'll provide five examples of each (5+5=10, for those that may be confused), but I would encourage you not to be too discouraged by anything listed in the negative column. Think of the "worst" aspects of the WWE Network as things the company can improve on. After getting my hands on the product and spending dozens of hours with it, there really isn't a single thing I would say that is irreparably awful. 

As usual, let's start with the low notes, and work our way towards the top…


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