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Weekly WWE Network Update

wwe networkI'm digging NXT on the WWE Network. Main Event too. If you hadn't noticed, I've been assigned to doing live coverage for both. So far, so great. 

While immediately charming, the search function is growing more annoying every time I use it. Some things just aren't tagged properly, and while I originally thought it was cool to search by "moment" as well as event and Superstar, it's really annoying when I want to watch a classic event I don't remember, and searching for it spoils the outcome. The same thing goes for the chapter headings present in most shows. 

This week I've been watching classic WCW events. Does anybody else think the very first Starrcade is superior to the first WrestleMania, or that just me? Certainly not in terms of spectacle or reach, but as a straight-up professional wrestling card, it's one of my all-time favorites from the 1980s. It also popularized closed circuit television for the industry, so historically it's kind of a big deal.