Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “The Shield as Faces Will Work, For Now”

The Storylines

wwe smackdown reactionThe Shield vs. The Real Americans vs. Rybaxel vs. 3MB ends in No Contest. Ambrose and Axel worked early in the match. It all started with The Shield getting the upper hand and controlling the pace. Jinder Mahal gets taken down and beaten up by Ambrose. Ryback and Seth Rollins get into the ring and Ryback tries a vertical suplex. After some reversals, Ambrose hits a dropkick and they clothesline him. Ambrose and Rollins hit suicide dives in stereo. They are in full control and continue to be until Rybaxel get more offense. Finally, Cesaro and Swagger work together to take down Ambrose. The match ends when all teams fight off and Kane comes out. Kane assaults Reigns. The New Age Outlaws come out and attack Reigns. The Shield is beaten down by Real Americans and Rybaxel. It looks like Kane hired them to get taken out.

Reaction: This started confusing to me and I really did not like it, but I am beginning to enjoy what they are building for. The only thing that I cannot get over is the fact that so many people came out and have suffered losses to The Shield. Now, are we supposed to believe three guys in their 40's will beat The Shield? Orton, Cena, Kane, Bryan, Punk, Big Show and so many other big names could not. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg can? Aside from this backwards logic, I liked how they beat the hell out of them. If they want to make this 6 man tag team match interesting, make them get the upper hand time and time again. Finally, The Shield will stand tall at WrestleMania for a second consecutive year. They should have a better match, but Shield as faces are working right now. Run with it and make sure Kane at least wears wrestling gear. The dress pants are ridiculous.

Score: 7/10

Alberto Del Rio defeated Big E.

This was a decent match that was not given enough time. Del Rio hits a back stabber for a two count and wants to lock in his finisher. Big E stops him and misses a shoulder dive into the corner. Del Rio connects with a massive kick to the face and picks up the win.

Reaction: Uh, why is the WWE Intercontinental Champion getting pinned cleanly? Big E has done NOTHING since being champion. Is this his fault or WWE's fault? Tweet your responses @JoshIsenberg4 for a retweet and some discussion.

Score: 5/10



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