3/24 Wrestlezone Recap: New WrestleMania XXX Main Event, Rey Mysterio’s Future, Shane McMahon as WWE CEO?, AJ Styles to New Japan & More

Rey Mysterio's Future in Question

WWE 2K14According to recent reports, Rey Mysterio is actually expected to sign a new contract with the WWE. Apparently, this is so they can promote him in next year's Flinstones movie. You know, if WWE put as much care into their WrestleMania booking as they did these one-off cartoon partnerships, the product wouldn't be some unbearably boring most of the time. 

I, like many of you, wonder how much Rey Rey has left in the tank. At 39-years-old here's barely on the active roster. The latest numbers show that, for the first time since joining the company, his merchandising numbers are down. Again, that's due mostly to his lack of on-screen time. If you can't work, you can't make money, and you can't make the company money. I wonder if this re-sign has more to do with WWE's loyalty to Mysterio than it does any value in the next year of his work. 

Don't get me wrong, if Mysterio can get back in the ring and is healthy enough to stay there, I'd love to have him. He's one of the all-time greats, and even wrestling with 20% of what he used to do in the ring, he's better than 70% of the roster. 


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