Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Magnus Looks Weaker Than Ever”

The Undercard

impact wrestling reactionEric Young wins the Ten Man Gauntlet Match

This is more of a battle royal type match rather than a traditional Gauntlet. The final three men of the match were Young, Abyss and James Storm. I found it very fitting to see Abyss and Young as the last two men because of their history together. Abyss winning would make the title match heel vs. heel and that does not work. Eric Young picks up the win in shocking fashion, to me at least, with a missle dropkick and clotheslining Abyss out of the ring. It was a fast paced and fun match to watch, but Young should have done another move to beat Abyss. Why a clothesline from a man who is much smaller?

Score: 6.5/10

Angelina Love defeated ODB, Brittany and Gail Kim

Love works a pretty easy match here, letting the other Knockouts do most of the work. ODB hits Gail with a fallaway slam, which looked really nice on television. As the match continued, Velvet Sky sprayed Gail Kim in the face with hair spray and Love was able to roll her up for the win. It was old school cheap heat for the heels, even though they pinned a heel. They should've pinned ODB or Brittany for the win, saving Gail Kim for something else. Either way, The Beautiful People get a championship match against their former partner. It makes complete sense and does not seem to be too rushed right now.

Score: 5.5/10

The Wolves defeated The BroMans (With DJ Z) Via Disqualification

I really enjoy watching The Wolves wrestle because of how creative and unique they really are. You can see the chemistry between the two guys, who have fought together for years. Robbie E not being there was a little odd and seemed to be a legit confusion. DJ Z is a great wrestler and an even better character right now, so it worked. The ending came when Robbie E appears and drags the referee to the outside. Wasn't Robbie E supposed to be in the match to begin with? Dragging the referee out causes a DQ? It just seemed a little too clustered and confusing for me. I do not get what the booking idea behind Robbie E not being there is supposed to mean. They still defended the titles, they still retained (via DQ). So what is the long term plan?

Score: 5/10