Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Plenty of Filler Matches”

Rob Van Dam defeated Damien Sandow

rvdFor the second night, RVD picks up a win against Sandow. Damien cannot catch a break and, unfortunately, seems to be stuck in a lower card status.He did get some offense in this match, but ultimately falls victim to a Five Star Frog Splash.

RVD looks the same as always, maybe a few pounds heavier. He gets the crowd reaction, but should be helping the younger talent. What does this win do for him? Nothing. What could it do for a Sandow? Build him back up to credibility.

Score: 5/10

Bad News Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston

I actually enjoyed this match, even though we have seen every Kofi Kingston match a million times. The guy has talent, no doubt. It is shameful that he has a ceiling and cannot break through to another level.

As for Barrett, this could be this ticket to the top. Barrett's new gimmick is catching on now and it all has to do with how he is representing himself. You can see that he is finally "all in." It looks like he is enjoying his gimmick and is getting over with the crowd in a completely different way. The fans know he can wrestle, but could he carry himself other than just being a brawler. He is showing versatility in his character and has evolved so much over the past two months.

We can all remember Barrett's great matches against Randy Orton on Smackdown a few years ago, but hopefully this gimmick sticks and he is going to do bigger things in the future. The match was solid and made Barrett look smarter. He has the strength. It looks like WWE wants him to outthink his opponents also. Well done.

Score: 6.5/10

Fandango defeated Santino Marella

Another match between the two that is booked almost the exact same. I fear that both of these guys might lose television time when the new talent comes up. Even worse would be for them to job to the rookies. Anyway, Fandango has a new dance partner. Layla takes Summer Rae's position. Why?

Summer Rae is going solo because there is more opportunity in her than Fandango. She is in a WWE Studios movie and has made waves in Total Divas. It only makes sense to see if she can survive on her own, which I think she can.

Score: 4/10


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