Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Major Turn Shocks WWE Universe”

The Main Events

The Wyatt Family defeated The Uso's

This was a really good match with plenty of offense. I loved the fact that this felt very old school. You had the youthful and athletic guys paired up against the physical and intense heel team. Uso's took control early and had to fend off a suicide dive from Harper. They hit kicks in stereo, but Rowan comes in and cleans up. He hits his finisher, which is a side suplex, for the win.

Since it was non-title, this will give us a rematch at Money in the Bank. I really enjoyed this match and The Uso's show us again that they are the best team in WWE right now. Rowan looked at his best and Harper is SO good as a big man. This could be a lengthy feud between these tag teams. It should be until Rowan and Harper take the titles away and hold onto them for a while, until Bray gets his shot at World Championship gold.

Score: 7.5/10

Seth Rollins Turns on The Shield

It finally happened. The Shield is no more. Seth Rollins turns on his partners when Triple H says that there is always a Plan B. Rollins attacks both of his former friends with a steel chair. He beats them down and Triple H comes in to help. Rollins is joining forces with Triple H and Randy Orton.

I…LOVED…IT! Seth Rollins joining Evolution is genius. They needed a younger guy to groom and he is a perfect fit. I have always been a huge Seth Rollins supporter and feel that he is the most complete out of the three. He has a great skill set and his mic work has always been there. This could propel him up to higher heights and was a much needed change. I loved the shock value and loved that not many people saw this coming. Rollins to Evolution… Best for Business.

Score: 8/10

WWE Raw Score: 6/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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