Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Seth Rollins Shines on Smackdown”

The Undercard

smackdown reactionRusev defeated Xavier Woods

This was your typical squash match for Rusev. He did a great job at Payback in showing a little more, but not too much. He needs a legit guy to feud with. Time is ticking on his interest for many people. I am intrigued at his character, but they HAVE to find the right guy…right now.

Score: 3/10

The Uso's defeated Rybaxel

The Uso's had to fight back from a quick attack from Axel and Ryback. Ryback is kicked through the ropes and The Uso's take over. Jimmy hits a top rope splash for the win. 

It was your basic non-title match. It did nothing amazing for either team, but still showcased the champions on a Smackdown. I need to see either Rowan/Harper challenge The Uso's. If that is not the case, The Ascension needs to come up. Uso's are fun to watch, but they are not growing or progressing as champions. 

Score: 5/10

Bo Dallas defeated Santino Marella

Once again, Bo Dallas does the same thing. There is not much to note here besides one question: Do you Bo-lieve in Bo Dallas? What does he need to do to change your mind? @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.

Score: 3/10

Natalya defeated Alicia Fox

It looks like Alicia Fox is going to be booked in a frustrating way from here on out. She loses at WWE Payback, which I think is the right call. Instead of her getting angry and trying to get another chance, Natalya picks up the victory on Smackdown. It was a decent match, given the lack of time and proper build. The pacing was fast and benefitted Fox. Fox flips out after losing, which continues to entertain me.

Score: 5/10

Bad News Barrett defeated Rob Van Dam and Cesaro 

Rob Van Dam takes the early lead in the match with a Rolling Thunder on both guys and then a split leg moonsault. RVD is thrown to the outside and Cesaro takes control. We get back from commercial break with a nice flying moonsault from RVD. Cesaro and Barrett work so strong and well in the ring. Cesaro tries to hit a superplex, but is thrown off by Barrett. RVD hits 5 Star Frog Splash and Barrett hits Bullhammer for the win. 

If this is going to build a Cesaro vs. Barrett feud, SIGN ME UP! That could be excellent to watch as a fan. As a critic, it will be hard for both guys to come off strong. Cesaro cannot continue to lose big matches with Paul Heyman in his corner. Barrett cannot lose the title. It will be hard to book, but fun to watch. 

Score: 6.5/10


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