Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Money in the Bank Sells Itself”

The Main Event

wwe raw reactionSheamus, John Cena and Roman Reigns defeated Bray Wyatt, Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton and Cesaro 

I really liked how WWE booked this main event. You had Cena and Orton kicking things off and then Cena able to grab the early advantage on Del Rio. Bray Wyatt gets in the ring and these two guys go at it. Cena got a little bit of everyone and then Cena was able to counter a Cesaro Neutralizer. Cena gets the hot tag to Reigns, hitting a massive clothesline onto Del Rio and tossing Orton on the announce table. He hits his running kick and a Superman Punch onto Cesaro and Orton. Del Rio hits a backstabber and Bray Wyatt comes in. He explodes into Reigns for a two count. 

The finish comes when all hell breaks loose and every guy basically hits their finisher. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick onto Cesaro to pick up the win. After the match, Kane comes in and cleans house. He takes out any guy that was in his way with a chokeslam. Kane is added into the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Reigns stands tall after Kane causes chaos in the ring.

I am not sure why Kane was added. Is it specifically because he is used to stop Reigns? What happens when Kane fails and Triple H has to clean up the mess? That is the most likely scenario. Either way, it is an interesting addition that will be average at best in terms of importance. Kane has no chance of winning, right?

Score: 7/10

WWE Raw Score: 6.5/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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