Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Veterans Carry a Predictable, Average Show”

Main Event of Smackdown

smackdown reactionBig Show does a sunset flip and takes down Rowan. He works on the arm and the quick tags ensue. Reigns gets a little action in and Mark Henry does the same. Big Show punches Harper, who ends up getting him with a dropkick. After a commercial break, Harper locks in the Gator Roll onto Big Show. Harper works a slower pace in the ring, much to my liking. The Wyatt Family makes some quick tags and Show gets to his feet, finally, and drops Harper. Bray Wyatt comes in the ring and clotheslines Big Show. Show finally is able to make it to Reigns. 

Roman Reigns and Luke Harper get the tags. Reigns drives Harper into the apron and barricade. Reigns hits an explosive clothesline and then a huge right hand. Reigns hits his famous kick to the side of the head. Reigns hits a Superman Punch and Rowan breaks up the count. Big Show hits a chokeslam, but Bray Wyatt hits a tornado dive. Henry hits World’s Strongest Slam and Harper hits a big clothesline. Reigns ducks another move by Harper and hits a Spear for the win.

Solid main event of the night. Big Show added some new moves to his arsenal tonight and I was impressed with how well him and Mark Henry moved around. If WWE wants to keep them as a tag team, I will be okay with it. I am not a huge fan because it will harm other teams in the process, but they need someone else to step up. Depth in a tag team division is crucial. Roman Reigns is booked like John Cena tonight, hitting a few moves and picking up the win. The guy is over and WWE knows they have big money in him. 

WZ 7


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.  Final Smackdown Reaction Rating:


WZ 5.5



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