Stars in Progress: Chris Jericho’s Swan Song, NXT Champions Move Up, Jerry Lawler Moves Down; This Isn’t Even Paul Heyman’s Final Form!


smackdown reactionAll the pieces are there for a good feud between AJ Lee and Paige, but the WWE writers are like toddlers, trying to jam them together backwards, with bits of chicken nugget breading and apple juice flying everywhere. This isn’t a difficult story! Paige is trying to creep in on AJ’s spotlight, and the longest reigning Divas Champion ever isn’t ready to give up the throne. Simple. You want to go the copy-cat route, that’s fine too. But I’m begging somebody to actually WATCH the Trish Stratus/Mickie James program before writing another week of this terrible cartoon. 

What they have become, instead of compelling rivals, is brain dead parodies. To make room for the Bella drama – which has been apologetically crammed into this story for no reason at all – the entire characterization of Paige and AJ Lee has come down to “who gets to skip around the ring this week!?” 


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