Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Havok is Better Than Chyna and Kharma”

A New Future For the Knockouts Division

Havok defeated Gail Kim

impact wrestlingHavok and Kim come out of the gates fast. Havok throws Kim into the guard rail. Kim hits a few elbows and then a big boot to the head. Kim flies off the apron and punches away at Havok. Havok picks her up and locks in a bear hug and then splashes her to the ground. Kim is really selling the arm injury after the bump. This takes place before the bell actually rings.

Havok dominates, as this match picks up at the end of the night. Kim, in pain with her shoulder, gets thrown around. Kim locks in a Figure Four on the ring post. Kim heads to the top, but gets caught. Kim throws more elbows and tries to hit Eat Defeat. Havok hits a huge body slam onto Kim. Havok hits a chokeslam for the win.

Havok is quite impressive. She is a beast in the ring and has a unique skill set. She has a great look and has completely turned the Knockouts Division upside down. I love this character and love the fact that TNA went through with it. Tenay asked who can beat her. That is the only problem I see. How do you book a woman this big? She is bigger, stronger and better than Chyna.

Her skills in the ring seem so strong, yet so smooth. It looks as if she does not even need to try to execute her moves. She does not think about what is next and just goes with it. The simplicity of her offense is actually a positive. She does moves that most men do, but no women can do.She is more athletic than Kharma. She is young in TNA and has not been exposed completely yet. That is a good thing.

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Manik defeated Shark Boy

Yes, a new look for Manik and still the same Shark Boy. Manik should have faced someone relevant. A new stable should be taken seriously when they face serious opponents, right? Does anyone care about this match? I do think Storm’s new stable will work for Bound For Glory in Japan. Other than that, I do not see a long and successful run.

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MVP defeated Mr. Anderson

A wrist lock and then MVP sends Anderson to the outside. He gets into the face of Melendez, who is in the corner of Anderson. Anderson whips him but MVP kicks him in the face. MVP hits a few knees to Anderson and he ends up getting reversed. Anderson hits a clothesline and a rolling senton. Anderson goes for a Mic Check but Kenny King jumps on the apron. Chris Melendez knocks him on the floor as MVP steals a win with a rollup.

Not the longest or most intriguing match, but I do think that this has some steam to it. Again, Chris Melendez is a really cool story and there are opportunities to make it intriguing. I just see them doing and saying the same things to him week after week after week. Mr. Anderson and MVP… feels like a Smackdown main event from 2008. It was a decent bout, but there was nothing memorable about it. It seemed like the first mile in a long road trip across the country.

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