Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Bobby Roode Contends, Ethan Carter’s Bodyguard is Perfect”

Havok Continues Her Dominance

impact wrestling reactionHavok and Madison Rayne start the night off. Rayne hits a few dropkicks and Havok heads to the outside. Rayne tries a cross body on the outside, but Havok catches her and drives her into the apron. She slaps her in the face and then locks in a submission hold. She hits a backbreaker and then throws her to the outside. Rayne punches her on the outside and Rayne moves so Havok hits the post. Havok catches Rayne in mid air and hits her finisher.

Madison Rayne looked really sloppy in this match. She missed the connection on the dropkick to the outside and looked like she was supposed to run into the ring post. She missed that too and seemed to be half a step behind.

For Havok, her size and her stature gives her a disadvantage. She needs a bigger and stronger opponent to feud with. Can we suspend our belief THIS much, with smaller Knockouts?

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Matt Hardy defeated Magnus

Magnus starts off using his strength over Hardy. Hardy counters with a swinging neck breaker and a leg drop for a two count. Magnus hits an excellent powerbomb combination into the post and then on the apron.  Back in the ring, the pace slows down with a sleeper hold. Hardy hits a side effect, but Magnus rolls him up and tries to use the ropes to get a cheap win.

The referee pushes Magnus and Matt gets an elbow to the face and hits a Twist of Fate off the ropes for the win.

Not a bad match at all between Magnus and Hardy. I loved the powerbomb combination from Magnus and the Twist of Fate from Hardy was very RKO-esque that we see from Orton. Hardy looked really smooth and he continues to add small pieces to make his offense seem fresh. I was nervous that he would disappear after the tag team series ended, but this is a nice fit for TNA. He gives importance to younger guys and his attitude inside and outside of the ring could help the younger guys. While helping the younger guys, I would not be surprised to see Matt get a big push to the top. He may not face Lashley anytime soon, but he would be a great candidate for what TNA is trying to do with Ethan Carter III.

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Why Are The Menagerie Winning?

Let me get something straight here. I am not bashing the talent of the guys in the ring, but why in the hell is TNA putting a gimmick of clowns and freaks? Do people really connect with these guys? It’s funny because the match actually had some bright spots, including Steve’s DDT off the ropes to pick up the win for his team. 

I feel bad for Knux, who knows how to work for his size. He did a cartwheel in the ring during the match, which is impressive for how big he is. 

I feel bad for BroMans, DJ Z and Angelina Love here. They are more marketable than who they lost to tonight. Fans connect to them much more because they are people that the everyday “joe” runs into. I can name a handful of people that remind me of the “douche” characters they portray. They make it work so well.

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